Celebrating the Fourth of July in Port Angeles, Service Projects, and the infamous Ben Show, by Becky Liebman
Editor's Note: Brave new Chautauquan Becky Liebman offered to fill us in on the last few days of the 2024 tour, which were spent in Port Angeles. I have to admit that I asked her to fill in at the very last minute; thanks for her dedication! -- D. Fodor
I'm not sure what is happening in this photo, but it looks like fun.
Tuesday afternoon
At the Extreme Sports Park a few miles outside of Port Angeles, the air can be filled with the hum of boat races, the roar of monster trucks, and the thwack of axe throwing. But we arrived on a warm and peaceful afternoon, and reconstituted our movable village amidst windrows of newly mown hay.
At the Extreme Sports Park a few miles outside of Port Angeles, the air can be filled with the hum of boat races, the roar of monster trucks, and the thwack of axe throwing. But we arrived on a warm and peaceful afternoon, and reconstituted our movable village amidst windrows of newly mown hay.
We'd made it in time for the musicians to rehearse with the Port Angeles High School Alumni Band, who graciously allowed us to swell their ranks for the 4th of July community parade. Just as we listened and learned on the Hoh Nation, so did we do the same in this new world: heels together, first whistle march in place; second whistle, march forward, left foot first; adjust the stride for the sweep of turns.
Honored to march with the Port Angeles High School Alumni Band
For our day of service, we were deployed to pull weeds at the Port Angeles High School Garden, lop bushes at the 70-year-old theater company of the Port Angeles Community Players, and spruce up the Sculpture Park. Without fanfare, we made small, tangible contributions and felt appreciated by local staff and volunteers. A sweaty win-win for all.
Later in the day, at the Port Angeles Public Library and in partnership with the NOTC, was Native Storytelling and a chance for a large audience of kids and adults (ourselves included) to ask questions to Mark Charles, culture bearer from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and Makah historian Ron Johnson, both gifted story tellers.
In the evening, we laughed uproariously (and sometimes cried) as we entertained ourselves in the Ben Show.
Ward Serrill reads poetry at the Ben Show
Adding to the 4th of July festivities, we offered our customary workshops with juggling, hula hooping, mobile making, knot tying, music making, and more. We presented this array of opportunities to..... ourselves. Perhaps due to a less than aggressive marketing situation and the reality of how hard "firsts" can be, there were few takers beyond our merry band of presenters. But there on grassy "pebble beach", wedged between the dazzling blue of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the north and the rugged peaks of the Olympic Mountains to the south, it was a welcome respite of gentle goodness with and for each other.
Don awaits the crowds
Workshops for and by loved ones
And then, the parade! Amidst the cheerleaders, the service clubs, the kids on bikes, the country line dancers, fire trucks, and political candidates,we brought our hoops, horns, and red noses to puff up the mighty and aforementioned Port Angeles High School Alumni Marching Band! Like the Little Drummer Boy, we played - and marched and juggled and hooped - our best for the good people of Port Angeles. And from my view in the trombone section, I do believe Godfrey stole the show.
del Siena and Becky with trombones
Raul and Faeble ready for the parade
Donna McKay, festooned with flowers and sacred plants, accompanies the Earthball in the parade
Paul Magid pauses before the parade
The Moon family, Shannon and Isak, are the heart behind Godfrey Daniels
Editor's Note: Ooops, forgot to assign Friday. The last day of tour, we put on a blockbuster show in Port Angeles, featuring crowd-pleaseing favorites who joined us for the holiday: Ty inside his Cir Wheel, whistler Jason Severis, and . Many of us stayed up until 2 in the morning, playing music, juggling in the dark, and having a hard time saying goodbye. Closing circle on Saturday morning was heartfelt and beautiful. --D.Fodor
Written by Becky Liebman, Photos by Nonny, Christine Gunn, Jeremiah Meyer, Mark Tanski, and Orion Lackey
Ty warms up for the show in Port Angeles
Scarlett and Jeremiah, beloved Chautauqua family, grew up touring every summer. Backstage moment.
Feeling the love outside the Field Hall theater